MacWorld 1999 June
Macworld (1999-06).dmg
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* MacZoop - "the framework for the rest of us"
* ZTimer.cpp -- simple timer object
* © 1998, Graham Cox
#include "ZTimer.h"
#include "ZWindow.h"
#include "MacZoop.h"
static long gTimerIDSeed = 20000;
static ZTimerQueue* gTimerQ = NULL;
static unsigned long gTickCount = 0;
void TimerTimer();
/*--------------------------------*** CONSTRUCTOR ***---------------------------------*/
ZTimer::ZTimer( unsigned long tRate, long anID, ZCommander* owner, Boolean isOneShot )
: ZComrade()
wOwner = owner;
id = anID;
oneShot = isOneShot;
if ( id == 0 )
id = ++gTimerIDSeed;
interval = tRate;
lastTicks = gTickCount;
/*------------------------------------*** DO ***--------------------------------------*/
check if time to fire and call window or broadcast message
void ZTimer::Do()
// check if time has elapsed or if tickcount has wrapped...
if ( gTickCount >= ( lastTicks + interval ) || ( gTickCount < lastTicks ))
lastTicks = gTickCount;
if ( wOwner )
// if the owner's a window, focus it.
if ( dynamic_cast<ZWindow*>( wOwner ))
((ZWindow*) wOwner )->Focus();
wOwner->DoTimer( id );
SendMessage( kTimerMsgTimerTripped, (void*) id );
// if one shot, destroy after firing
if ( oneShot )
// delete from list
gTimerQ->DeleteObject( this );
if ( gTimerQ->CountItems() <= 0 )
ForgetObject( gTimerQ );
/*----------------------------------*** SETTIMER ***----------------------------------*/
creates timer object and installs it into the timer queue
ZTimer* SetTimer( ZCommander* aCmdr, long id, unsigned long interval, Boolean isOneShot )
ZTimer* zt;
if ( gTimerQ == NULL )
FailNIL( gTimerQ = new ZTimerQueue());
FailNIL( zt = new ZTimer( interval, id, aCmdr, isOneShot ));
gTimerQ->AppendItem( zt );
return zt;
/*---------------------------------*** KILLTIMER ***----------------------------------*/
removes timer from the queue and discards it
void KillTimer( ZCommander* aCmdr, long id )
long iMax;
ZTimer* zt;
if ( gTimerQ )
iMax = gTimerQ->CountItems();
while ( iMax )
zt = (ZTimer*) gTimerQ->GetObject( iMax-- );
if ( zt && ( zt->GetID() == id ) && ( zt->GetOwner() == aCmdr ))
gTimerQ->DeleteObject( zt );
ForgetObject( zt );
if ( gTimerQ->CountItems() <= 0 )
ForgetObject( gTimerQ );
/*-------------------------------*** KILLALLTIMERS ***--------------------------------*/
removes and deletes all timers associated with a particular window. Called when a window
is destructed.
void KillAllTimers( ZCommander* aCmdr )
long iMax;
ZTimer* zt;
if ( gTimerQ )
iMax = gTimerQ->CountItems();
while ( iMax )
zt = (ZTimer*) gTimerQ->GetObject( iMax-- );
if ( zt && zt->GetOwner() == aCmdr )
gTimerQ->DeleteObject( zt );
ForgetObject( zt );
if ( gTimerQ->CountItems() <= 0 )
ForgetObject( gTimerQ );
/*---------------------------------*** TIMERTIMER ***---------------------------------*/
called repeatedly by ZApplication to iterate the timer queue and trigger timers. Note that
this iterates in reverse so that if a timer responder deletes the timer, it will continue
to trigger the remaining timers.
void TimerTimer()
// copy the tickcount to a global so the iteration can proceed as fast as possible
gTickCount = TickCount();
long iMax;
ZTimer* zt;
if ( gTimerQ )
iMax = gTimerQ->CountItems();
while( iMax )
zt = (ZTimer*) gTimerQ->GetObject( iMax-- );
if ( zt )